Webinars on Thrips parvispinus TOMORROW and May 10th!

Sorry for the short notice folks, but even sometimes I’m out of the loop! There are two upcoming webinars on Thrips parvispinus, the new invasive thrips that is a serious pest of tropical ornamentals and pepper crops.

The first is by the University of Florida Extension folks, and should be a great update on what’s happening at the source. That webinar is TOMORROW (May 4) at 10am-12pm ET, so hopefully you see this in time! Hopefully it will be recorded for those that miss it.

The next webinar is on May 10th, and is being put on jointly by the Horticultural Research Institute, AmericanHort, the Canadian Nursery & Landscape Association, and American Floral Endowment.

For more details on these webinars and how to register, keep reading.

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