Comparing Biocontrol to Pesticides for Bemisia Whitefly Control in Poinsettia


T’is poinsettia sticking season once again, and the question always comes down to the same thing: do I use chemicals to control Bemisia whitefly and hope it works this year? Or do I switch to biological control?  Here we show some head to head comparisons that can help you decide.

An in-depth discussion of this topic was also captured by MSU’s “Bug Bites” last year, and I’ve included the video below.

Continue reading “Comparing Biocontrol to Pesticides for Bemisia Whitefly Control in Poinsettia”

Poinsettias: To Spray or Not to Spray, that is the Question


T’is poinsettia sticking season once again, and the question always comes down to the same thing: do I use chemicals to control Bemisia whitefly and hope it works this year? Or do I switch to biological control?  Here we show some head to head comparisons that can help you decide.

Continue reading “Poinsettias: To Spray or Not to Spray, that is the Question”